Funding Social Good in Web3: Metaverse for Education Newsletter Issue #16
This newsletter serves as your bridge from the real world to the advancements of web3 & the metaverse, specifically contextualized for education.

Dear Educators & Friends,
Last week, I was lucky enough to keynote at the California Association of Latinx Superintendents annual conference. With 300 thoughtful district & school leaders, we got to the bottom of web3.
You might be surprised to know, the message I conveyed was not "let's all get on the web3 train". Instead, it was about understanding the change web3 is poised to bring to the world. And as educators, it is our responsibility to recognize that change across industries & figure out how it will impact students.
One of the my slides was about the evolution of web ethos, which dictates how businesses & humans operate on the web. This is my own understanding of how the web has changed.
🛠️ 🔓 🤝🏽🔮
Web 1 was about building, open sourced content & networks, in collaboration with others, toward innovation.
Web 2 changed from building ➡ business, from open ➡ closed networks, from collaborations ➡ monopolies, and from innovation first ➡ money-making first.
🛠️💼🔓🤝🏽 🔮💰
Web3 is turning the tides. It is moving toward an equilibrium between building & business, back to open sourced content & networks, back to collaboration & community first, and empowering individuals (& not monopolies) to innovate while creating wealth.
Web3 is triggering an old concept called "regenerative systems" to create exponential good in the world. In the last year, over $500mm in crypto has been donated to philanthropic orgs & thousands of initiatives have launched to help the environment, get equitable access to wifi, improve education, and more.
For the skeptics of web3, you are not wrong or alone. It is important to ask questions & be critical of web3 projects because TBH, there are many scams out there.
I hope this newsletter issue will help you turn your energies to projects that are doing good in the world. I also hope it will give you ideas about how to raise funds if you're a non-profit organization because even in the bear market, crypto is powering some incredible projects (including ours!).
To all things good & to a positive future.
Warmly yours,
Vriti & k20 Educators
Learn about Web3
How web 3 changes philanthropy
The transformation of charity through web3
How Web3 ideals translate to real-world social benefit
The risks and benefits of charitable giving with Bitcoin
📹 How charities can utilize NFTs to maximize fundraising
Philanthropic DAOs: creating social responsibility in web3
Ten Reasons non-profits should embrace crypto philanthropy
Five ways DAOs will revolutionize social impact
🔈 A project funding global change makers
🔈 A variety of web3 philanthropy projects
An NFT project that evacuated an Afghan refugee
A slightly scathing but ultimately solutions oriented article about web3
Check out our previous issue on regenerative systems to learn more about social good in web3
Do Something in Web3
Financial infrastructure to donate or raise crypto funds
Simplified way to donate or raise crypto funds
Create endowment funds with crypto
Buy your first NFT catalyzing change in education
Distributing crypto to people in poverty
Get decentralized funding for STEM research
Explore an open source blockchain supporting regenerative projects
Stake crypto & make $ while contributing to social good
Join the first DAO for educators, by educators
Join a DAO coordinating people & ideas around SDGs
Explore open source, social good products in web3
📅 Events
NFTs & DAOs for social good - Clubhouse (July 20, 2022, 6p ET)
Ed3 Mastermind: Behind the scenes of NFTs (July 27, 2022, 8p ET)
Ed3 Coffee Chat (Every Saturday, 11a ET)
This week’s Metaverse for Education newsletter is about Web3 for Social Good. More to come on other web3 topics. We’re excited to bring education into the Metaverse & help you leverage the opportunities in the new world.
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