Hi Vriti. Another parent I know, a wealthy one, sends his daughter to an Acton Academy. It seems to be a franchise. As I understand it, students are on personalized learning paths through educational apps and some class activities in the morning, with projects set for the afternoon. But there isn’t a need to separate students by grade levels or abilities with this model. Khan Academy’s physical school in California, and other progressive private schools, also follow a similar model.
My own daughter learned to read English at quite an early age, in part because I sat with her nearly every day for 10-15 minutes on the Khan Academy Kids app, often letting her choose something new to learn on the app, … often with a walk and drink at the convenience store. This is in Taiwan, where most people don’t speak English, as it’s not a priority just yet.
Anyway, the point is, that students can learn so much faster with apps with mastery built in, and if the sage on the stage(the teacher) becomes more of the guide on the side.
I appreciate how you presented the models here, and especially that quote. So I look forward to your follow-up article, and what you include there as solutions.
Thank you for sharing, Gabriel. Self-directed and self-paced learning is great and needs to be used in schools more, AND as you described in your anecdote with your daughter, there still needs to be an adult guide nurturing students and helping them as needed. Follow-up coming soon!
Ooof sorry for the typos in the email version! I really should be using AI more diligently to grammar check :)
Hi Vriti. Another parent I know, a wealthy one, sends his daughter to an Acton Academy. It seems to be a franchise. As I understand it, students are on personalized learning paths through educational apps and some class activities in the morning, with projects set for the afternoon. But there isn’t a need to separate students by grade levels or abilities with this model. Khan Academy’s physical school in California, and other progressive private schools, also follow a similar model.
My own daughter learned to read English at quite an early age, in part because I sat with her nearly every day for 10-15 minutes on the Khan Academy Kids app, often letting her choose something new to learn on the app, … often with a walk and drink at the convenience store. This is in Taiwan, where most people don’t speak English, as it’s not a priority just yet.
Anyway, the point is, that students can learn so much faster with apps with mastery built in, and if the sage on the stage(the teacher) becomes more of the guide on the side.
I appreciate how you presented the models here, and especially that quote. So I look forward to your follow-up article, and what you include there as solutions.
Thank you for sharing, Gabriel. Self-directed and self-paced learning is great and needs to be used in schools more, AND as you described in your anecdote with your daughter, there still needs to be an adult guide nurturing students and helping them as needed. Follow-up coming soon!
A lot of food for thought! Thanks Vriti
Thanks for reading Svenia!
Thanks Vriti, grist to my thinking mill!
Thanks Nick!